The switch from public transport dependance to private vehicle travel begins through the years of 16-22, which is also the predominant public transport user group. Concerns over the future of health and our environment will be negated by the young generation who have a chance to change our future. Understanding that keeping 16-22 year olds in public transport was more important than encouraging new users was my main breakthrough.
A system of financial crutches and discounted travel is taken away from the younger generation as they enter adulthood, while the pressures of perceived independence are arriving earlier in our lives, public transport becomes less desirable. Underpinning a rebalance towards an interconnected sustainable transport system which offers opportunity, accessibility and freedom was key.
MOVE will create a more active population through mutualistically generated financial incentives, earned through active travel and public transport use. A supporting app will allow users to engage with the transport network in encouraged interconnected journeys, creating a desirably accessible system, which has a positive cyclical affect on society.